jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

A Pair of Ghostly Hands

If you wake up in the night and hear a tap running somewhere in the house, what do you do? You get up, of course, and go and turn the tap off. A little later you hear the tap running again. You are alone in the house, and you know you turned the tap off. What do you do then? The ghosts in these stories all have unfinished business with the living world. They come back from the grave to continue their work, to keep a promise, to look for something they have lost. Sometimes they want to help people, sometimes they want to punish them - or kill them.

21 comentarios:

  1. Carlos Moral Rubio 1ºBACH.B

    ''A Pair of Gosthly Hands'' is a book that is a bit strange. Into this book there are 5 stories about ghosts, vampires and rare events.

    ''A Pair of Ghostly Hands'' is the first story that you find in this book. This story is too short (as all stories in this book) and it's also childlike.''Lost Hearts'' is the second story. It's one of the best stories that you can find, although it's a bit boring. ''Mrs. Amworth'' is the third story. It's the worst story and, in addition, it's very predictable. ''The waxwork'' is the next story. This story is worse than ''Mrs. Amworth'', because it's very strange and it isn't enjoyable. ''John Carrington's Wedding'' is the las story. Maybe it's the best story of all the book.

    The book isn't very good and enjoyable, but you can learn some expressions and words to use and to improve your english.

  2. Juan Carlos Castillo Alcántara 1ºBACH-B

    In my opinion we shouldn´t have bought this book, we should have chosen another book to read. A Pair Of Ghostly Hands is a very boring book, the "horror stories" have the same developtment: an introduction, a development and a simple ending, sometimes without logic.
    Some stories bored me so much that sometimes I wanted to stop reading.
    Anyway,you can learn vocabulary, English expressions and the more important thing, read a long text in English.

  3. José Ángel Civantos Civantos 1ºBach B

    In my opinion,''A Pair of Gosthly Hands'' is a book sometimes boring, but sometimes is enjoyable.

    In this book, you can read 5 stories.There are two enjoyable and interesting stories called "Lost Hearts" and "The Waxwork", where you can feel a bit of scary and interest to know what happens at the end. Others stories are in general very bored.

    The book is useful to learn vooabulary and grammar, but if you can enjoy reading, wont buy this book.

  4. David Moral Sanchez!!

    In my opinion "A Pair of Gosthly Hands" is a good book,because into this book there are 5 stories very short and eassy to understood.

    I think that the best storie is,"A Pair of Gosthly Hands",it's very interesting and enjoyable,probably because it's the first.the others are more boring,I dislike "Mrs. Amworth" and "The waxwork".

    I would'nt recommend this book.

    1. Lucia Rosa Lopez. 1ºBach-B

      In my opinión, the stories in this book are exciting because the plot is the protagonist of the stories , and sometimes the most exciting final is not finished yet because to give a concrete resolution to the story, as in LOST HEART(…)

      The book I liked it because I love scary stories even some scenes I have the “chicken skin” like in the first story when the tap is lit, the aunt Emily it off and back on, and highlights the two washing ghostly hands of a little girl. Another scene that is nice similar to me when at the end of the first story of the little hands resting on the hands of the aunt Emily.

      Finally, I found chilling in the second story when Stephen discovers in the roles of Mr.Abney that should be his third heart. And Stephen discovers a hole in the left chest Mr.Abney through which you can see his heart.

      The book is entertaining and I can learn new words.

  5. Antonio Carlos Arroyo Arroyo 1ºBach B

    In my opinion "A Pair of Gosthly Hands" is a bad book because some stories are very boring, but for my the best storie of book is "Mrs Amworth" and the worst storie is "The Waxwork".
    On the other hand, the book is good because is easy of read and is very short.

    I would recommend this book because is easy and short!

  6. Gonzalo Cabrera Sánchez - 1º BACH B

    In my opinion, the book `A Pair of Ghostly Hands´ is very exciting
    because you don´t know what will happen in the end.
    This book has 5 stories and personally, I think that the best storie of them is `Lost Hearts´ because it has parts of fear where appear ghosts, deaths...
    So, I like this book because it is not boring,It´s very easy to understand and it has interesting stories.
    I recommend this book.

  7. Manuel Jesús Arroyo Moral 1º Bach B

    In my opinion "A Pair of Ghostly Hands and Other Stories" is a book very boring because the stories are shorts and not according to our age,I think that its are children.

    I think that the best storie is "Mrs Amworth",it is very interesting and the longest storie.I dislike "JOhn Charringtons Wedding" and "The waxwork".

    The book is useful to learn vocabuly but i wont buy this book.


    "A PAIR OF GHOSTLY HANDS" is a little boring book that it has five terror stories:

    - "A PAIR OF GHOSTLY HANDS", in my opinion, is the best of the five stories. It isn't very good, but it's enjoyable.

    - "LOST HEARTS" is one of the best ghost stories developed, so it's boring and silly.

    - "MRs AMWORTH" is a very bad vampire story and I wouldn't have read.

    - "THE WAXWORK" is the worst story of the book. It's a bit strange and difficult.

    - "JOHN CHARRINGTON'S WEDDING" is the last story of the book. It's enjoyable and amused.

  9. Miguel Ángel Anguita Pegalajar 1 Bach B

    In my opinion " A Pair of Ghostl Hands and Other Stories" is a bad book becuase this book is very irreal and fantastic. This book is not a book from bachillerato because the storys are short and fantastic

    This book is very easy to learn because the vocabulary this book is not difficult


    In my opinión, “A Pair of Ghostly Hands” is an uninteresting, but easy to understand. This book has five horror stories about ghost, vampires, messages from the dead, and things of that kind.

    Vocabulary and grammar of this book are very easy for our English’s level. However, someone words and sentences are difficult to understand.

    I think that “Lost Hearts” is the best story of the book, although is one of more difficult to comprehend.

    Finally, “A Pair of Ghostly Hands” is one of the worst English’s books that I’ve read.

  11. Enrique Manuel Ortega Vázquez - 1º BACH B

    This is a book which has five short horror stories. The book is written for beginner readers, because it’s very simple.

    ''A Pair of Gosthly Hands'' is the first story (and the title of the book), which has a good ghost and it's easily to understand, but is also childlike. Next story is “Lost Hearts”, an authentic horror story; probably it’s the best story. “Mrs Amworth” is a vampire story, but it has similar features with the story of Dracula and a bit boring. “The waxworth” is the worst story of the book, beacuse it’s boring, predictable and nobody will understand it. The last story, which is “John Carrington's Wedding”, is very bad.

    I don’t recommend this book beacuse is the worst book I’ve ever read. I didn’t enjoy this book, firstly, because I don’t like this genre so much and secondly, because the stories are very short and bad. However, a starter reader could learn a lot of vocabulary, but there are better books, for example, I recommend you a story of Sherlock Holmes.

    1. Sandra Alcázar Moreno 1B
      In my opinion " A Pair of Ghostl Hands and Other Stories" is a book interesting and entertaining.This book has five horror stories about ghost, vampires...and i like the histories of them.I think that the best storie is "LOST HEARTS" because is ine the best ghost stories althought is a bit boring.
      I recommended this book! :) bye!

  12. Inmaculada Arroyo Cañanda 1º Bach B
    In my opinion, the scare stories are very interesting, so I liked the book. Furthermore, it is many short stories book, so it's not boring to read.
    The story I most enjoyed was the second, called "lost hearts" because it was very interesting and I like ghost stories of children, and I felt fear when I he read it. The story that I disliked was the last, because it was a bit boring and that cost me more to read.
    I recommend this book, is very entertaining.

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  14. Belén Galán Moral 1ºBach B
    The first story that named the book, A pair of ghostly hands, is so boring, it doesn’t contain action or mistery, it doesn’t make you nail-biting. Why is the ghost still living in the house? She didn’t have bad death or something that link herself to the alive´s world. The ghost is pacific and cleans the house, it´s meaningless. Everything is too idyllic.
    The second story, Lost Hearts, is better than the first story but I think that the end is narrated incoherently, so you can´t understand the real events, and it´s spoil a good final.
    The third story, Mrs. Amworth, is a story about vampires, but it doesn’t break schemes, it´s like whatever vampires story. However, this vampire entirely lacks of passion, aggressiveness or lust, when they go to kill her, she doesn’t do anything to protect herself.
    The fourth story is about a house of wax, it´s sounds scary, but it isn’t. The argument is surreal, Dr Bourdette´s wax figure was the real Dr Bourdette and he had passed all the evening posing like a wax figure, I think this story is a little nonsensical.
    The last story is much better than the others. In contradistinction to the first ghost, he returns to life to carry out his promise and the effects of his action are crushing and frightening. I like this story.
    Generally, the stories are predictable and not too much frightening but the book is amusing. The book doesn’t disgust but I think that I am not going to read it again. Moreover this book has been easy to understand, even though it contains much vocabulary.

  15. David Cruz Rubio- 1ºBACH B.

    In my opinion, this book, whick have five stories, is very bad, and the only good thing he has is that is very short.

    Although some parts are interesting, like the end of the stories, the differents plots are very similar, and all the stories are very predictable. These handicaps make the book boring and dull.

    I think that the best story is: ''Mrs Amworth'', because it's longer than the others and it's better explained than the other stories. And i think that the worst story is ''The Waxwork'' because it's very strange and predictable. One story that I like too is: ''Lost Hearts'' Because it's not so predictable and it's very exciting at the end.

    Although this book is very bad, i like this genre, and i love reading these books. For these reasons, I don't recommend this book, and if you want to read a really exciting book, this isn't your book, so don't buy it next year!!

  16. A pair of ghostly hands is a book a ghost a bit boring but pretty easy to read compared to other books.
    The story I liked was the first, a pair of ghostly hands, because it has some intrigue and is not an ending so dramatic.
    I found other less original, especially Mrs Amworth, an unpredictable finish. In conclusion, I would recommend this book as easy to understand, but not as much fun.

  17. Miriam Arenas 1ºBach B
    " A pair of Ghostly Hands and other stories" isn't a bad book , but I think that it is really a few boring, because its stories are weird and they haven't much meaning.
    In my opinion the best story of the book is the first, " A pair of ghostly hands" and other that I like too is "Lost hearts", because they are the only interesting in the book.
    The worst story of the book is "The Waxwork" because it is very boring and stupid.
    Finally I recommend this book because is very easy to understand and that the stories are shorts is very good to we don't tire us althought they are boring.

  18. in my opinion, this book is somewhat entertaining, although sometimes boring, pair of ghostly hands and other stories, a book that should be given more fear and intrigue. The stories are good arguments, but it worked enough to call the horror genre.
    The story that I liked because it seems the scariest is the 2, "Lost Hearts" and the most boring to be longer and with little argument that the other is the 3 rd "Mrs Amworth".
    I recommend you do more stories with plot and that is realistic, because the stories of fear and dislike subrealistas people.

  19. María Quesada Albacete 1ºBach B

    In my opinion "A Pair of Ghostly Hands" is sometimes an entertaining book and sometimes boring. "Lost Hearts", "Mrs Amworth and "The Waxwork" are stories whose characters aren't original and the plots are a bit monotonous.
    However "A Pair of Ghostly Hands" and "Jhon Charrington's Wedding" are the best stories you can find in this book because the plots and the characters are very strange and you don't know the end until you read the full story.
    Finally In my opinion the book helps you to improve your vocabulary and to do writtings


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