jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

The Star Zoo

In our world today a hummingbird is a small, brilliantly coloured bird that lives in the tall trees of tropical forests.
In the far distant future, Hummingbird (Hummy for short) is a girl of sixteen who lives somewhere in the Galaxy, on a planet called Just Like Home. She has the name 'Hummingbird' in big letters on all her clothes, but she has never seen a real hummingbird. She has never seen any living animal or bird at all. The Book of Remembering says that there were once many animals on a planet called Earth, but that was before the Burning, a long, long time ago . . .

15 comentarios:

  1. Juanjo de la Rosa Blanca 1º Bach. C

    I think Star Zoo it´s a good book about all the impacts that will result of the climate change, the greenhouse or the pollution.

    I like the first chapter because it described the events that become the Earth in a devastated place. I think that this chapter is the best. I like too the problem that have Hummy with the man that want marry with her.

    I hate the part of the book when the people go crazy when they see the animals, and I don´t like too the final, because I think that it will be more happy for Hummy, although I adore that she start his project of animals with the people more young, the childrens.

    Finally, I would have choosed the cat too if I had choosed the less extrain animal.

  2. In my opinion thw book is good because it warn us that Earth can disappear if we pollute it. In addition, it teaches us that animals are very important and life can be strange and difficult without them.
    However, I don't like the way that the author tells the story and I think the book is very unreal bacause it is impossible that people go crazy because they see an animal.
    In any case I recommend it.

  3. Ana Eliche:

    I don’t mind this book because I don’t specially like fiction books. It’s interesting but the end is a bit bad because of ended without said how will be the future in “Just Like Home”.
    I think the book is an advertisement about our future in Earth but, maybe, it’s so imaginative. On one hand, sometimes this is boring. On the other hand, is funny when Hummy goes to “The Star Zoo”.
    I recommend this book. However is more recommendable for children, not for persons who have almost seventeen/eighteen years.

  4. I liked the book but I want other books more interesting that this book.The book hasn't been hard to read , in the book have some words that i don't understand but it don't hard.The chapter that I liked more is the chapter 3 monster and for end the gender isn't like specially but i have a good impression.smr 1º bachillerato C

  5. Judit López:
    It's a short book that is easy to understand.
    It's a bit boring, but you can learn that if we polluted our planet a lot, animals will desappear and we will need to live in another planet because the Earth will be too hot. So, we must be responsable and be careful with our fragile planet.

  6. The star zoo is a book interesting.
    Personally, as i see it that more i like this book that it makes me think, a world there aren't animals, it isn't an idea far away, because us world is contaminated and the animals can disappear. But I don't understand the hard attitude the adult, for they see an animal they will be mad, but the children don't mad when they see an animal. This attitude shows that the children is the future because they are innocent.

  7. María Garrido.

    In my opinion this book is a bit boring, although many chapters are very funny. The Star Zoo tells the story of a girl, her name is Hummy living in a galaxy ,and the planet called "Just Like Home" where unusual things happen. The book is a bit dificcult for me, as there are many words that I don´t understand. Hummy

    Although this book, I don´t like me . I recommend as I can have different opinions about it.

  8. Eva Mª López 1º Bachillerato C.
    In my opinion this book is a good book but it has got some things boring.
    On one hand, it is interesting because it tells things entertaining, it happens a lot of adventures.
    On the other hand, it is boring because there are chapters where it doesn't tell new things so you have less desire to continue reading.
    In general, it is well. I recommend it.

  9. Hello, this book is really interesting, for that it counts facts of the nature that is possible in the reality or in a future, but my opinion is that it is for children. The chapter that more I have liked is that of Monsters ... and I haven't liked the end,it is bit dull. But it has been enjoyable to read a book in class, because it improves our vocabulary ... since the English form part of our future.
    Jose Maria, 1ºBach- C

  10. Javier Ruiz:

    In my opinion:I liked this book,it is a little rare but the book is good,although i prefer other books.Mi favourite chapter is the 3;Monster.the book isn´t complicated to read but some words i didnt´t understood well.I think that this book is to people between fourteen and fifteen years old.

  11. Antonio Cámara Checa:

    I didn't like the book because it is a bit fantastic and very boring. I don't like the books of fiction because I think that things are unreal although it teaches us a lot of things that we must know for the future of our planet. Furthermore, some words I didn't understand so the book was more difficult to read. In my opinion I think that this book may bore to the teenagers who read it

  12. I liked this book although I don´t understand well.
    this book tells that the animals is very important for the humans, although is difficult live withouth them.
    I don´t like the end because it doesn´t end very happy.
    if I were in the place of Hummy, I Would choose a dog.

  13. In my opinion I think that the book is a little boring because science fiction is not my thing. The book is well and some chapters are interesting because it teaches us values which we must take into account when treating the planet where we live and to the animal in the living.

    I recommend this book, but a little smaller than us already they people are more imaginary and like all these comic books of fiction.

  14. Sonia Moral Eliche.

    Star Zoo is a intersting book and it principal aim is that people are aware of saving the planet. It explain us lika a teenager girl runs away and she finds a strange spacial place, Star Zoo, where only animals lived. In her planet there weren´t either animals or plants so she tries to carry these to her planet. Hummibgird, the principal character, does it but the inhabitants become crazy. Only children make possible this conexion whitout consequence.
    In my opinion es easy to read. Maybe it can be result a bit fantastic because it´s about a far future but it´s a fiction that wiil be sure soon if we don´t take moderation whit our planet.

  15. In y opinion, The Star Zoo is a book boring,because, on the one hand, I don´t understand the book very well. However, on the other hand, many chapters, are easy and funny.
    I recommend this book, because explain the consecuences of the pollution in our planet.


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