domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012


Everybody knows about the United States of America. You can see its films, hear its music, and eat its food just about everywhere in the world. Cowboys, jazz, hamburgers, the Stars and Stripes - that's the United States.

But it's a country with many stories to tell. Stories of busy cities, and quiet, beautiful forests and parks. Stories of a country that fought against Britain, and then against itself, to make the United States of today. Stories of rich and poor, black and white, Native American and immigrant. And the story of what it is really like to be an American today . . .

10 comentarios:

  1. The USA book is one of the worts books I have ever read.
    Iy is about the history, cultures, traditions... from the USA.
    I did not finished it reading, but i think i will not recomend to the other mates

  2. in my opinion, i think that this book is a bit boring because it is about usa history, and i am not interestedin history. on the other hand i like it because, now, i know new thinks about the usa, well, a part of the history of the fundation of this big country, their most important traditions, like the thanks giving day, etc. the races of people how lives there, the kind of music that there are in each state... and how the congress are make, besause it´s a bit different here, the kind of food that they eat( only hamburgers)and finally, the civil war and the others wars ( it´s a pitty look how the cityzens of the same country can fight for the use of slaves or not)
    dario moral ramirez

  3. I think this is a boring book, but i also think it shows you interesting things that we did't know.
    The USA are one of the most important countries in the world and I think we should know the culture and the history of them, and mainly, because we are studying English and this is important when you are learning a languaje.
    We have learnt things we supposed but they were wrong, for example, I thought all of the happenigs that the book tell us were much more old that they are actually.

  4. I think this book is a little boring because it is about the history of USA and it is a bit difficult because it has got a lot of dates, places... but in the other hand now, I know new things for example importants dates(thanksgiving day), their food(fast food)...

  5. In my opinion I find this book a bit boring, because i dont like so much history books and I didn´t really enjoy learning about geography and history in english.

  6. I think this book is a bit boring cause I don´t like political and history topics and there are a lot in this book. The topics I´ve liked best in this book are how american people live like (traditions) and what type of food they like (fast and fatty foods).This book is good if you like to learn about countries and traditions in USA.However, the topics I haven´t like are "the government in USA" and "the pilgrim fathers".With this book, I´ve learned that many of our traditions are from USA (music, fast food, clothes...) and that´s interesting.
    loli erena fernandez

  7. For me this book is sometimes boring and sometimes insterestin
    because I like history but is boring because this book has a lot of
    dates and names
    one marks for this book:6
    I learnt a lot of things about usa

    juan manuel sánchez godino

  8. I do not liked this book because it is a book that did not tells a story romance, adventure .....this book tells the history of USA and this kind of story I do not like because I find very boring. Do not recommend it to anyone unless you are going to go to USA I recommend you read it and help them know more about where you will go .

  9. I didn`t like this book because it is very boring. The book explains the history of America and for me this is very boring... I didn`t like read this book. Also the book is very long and you get sick of reading.

  10. I think that The Usa is a boring book but also learn many things, for example: customs, traditions... But it's boring because I don't like to rear and above a history of another country. This book of me don't recommend it because apart from boring is very long. I have rear better books.


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